
Mapping Whitetails: A New Blog Series

Mapping Whitetails is the first and only blog series of its kind.  From its title it should be fairly obvious what this weekly blog series will cover – anything and everything about mapping whitetails!  The idea stems from our daily conversations here Legendary Whitetails.  There’s a group of us in the office that are constantly pulling up maps and dissecting properties trying to figure out the best spots and routes for our next hunt.  Not only is this a daily occurrence in the office, but it also happens during every summer scouting mission, tree stand hanging adventure, or basically anytime hunting is the topic of discussion . . . a map of some sort is pulled out, usually on a cell phone.  As a hunter, there’s nothing more exciting than figuring out the pieces of the puzzle and having a plan come together that began months before on Google Earth with an end result of you holding a monster buck.  This is exactly why we thought the Mapping Whitetails blog series would be a big hit for deer hunters across the country.  It’s meant to be an open discussion where we can all learn and share from each other.

How to find good areas to hunt using online aerial maps

From the latest aerial imagery to ground scouting, from smartphone apps to topo maps, we are going to share with you the most useful tips and tools available to help you become a master scouter and hunter.  Not only are we going to share tips and tools with you, but we’re also going to test your knowledge by having a Mapping Whitetails Quiz on every blog.  The quizzes will include a map image, along with some scenarios that are present and you’ll have to use the info to plan your attack.  The beauty of using maps for better hunting is that it’s visual and it doesn’t matter if you’re hunting public land or private land.  A map is a map, and how a property lays out will give you clues as to how you should hunt it.  Learn, discuss, and execute as if this was your very own hunting property!

Mapping whitetails – there’s no better way to hone your hunting skills from home! Check the 1st one out by clicking below!


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