Every week, we feature a different one of our Legendary Whitetails Ambassadors. Each has their own unique experiences and expertise and they want to share it with you. Today, we talked to Britt Jill, one of our ambassadors who is also an experienced shed hunter, ice fisher and, bonus, is also a fitness guru! Check her out on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
Woman’s Best Friend and Shed Hunting Partner
Legendary Whitetails: As an outdoors woman, how do you like to use the winter months? Ice fishing? Shed hunting? Scouting?
Britt Jill: During the winter months one of my favorite things to do is go ice fishing! There’s nothing better than catching a giant trout through the ice. I also love it because it’s something that brings me back to when I was younger and would fish with my dad. He still comes with me today! Shed hunting is another one of my favorites, because I get to watch Kip, my dog, out in the field working.
LW: You trained your dog, Kip, to shed hunt! Do you think that’s helped you see more success?
Britt: We watched all of the Dog Bone videos after Kip found his first shed on his own. We worked with him a lot, and I think it definitely helped us see more success while we were shed hunting. Having Kip makes me want to get out and shed hunt even more, because it’s something him and I can do together. Last year as a pup, less than a year old, he found 3 sheds on his own. I am so excited for shed hunting this season, because he’s gotten way better at using his nose while hunting. This year, he should see even more success!
*Gear up for your shed hunting season with Legendary Whitetails new Scout Series collection*

“The Women’s Open Country Shirt Jacket is so warm and comfortable! I wore it in the mountains of Colorado and under my ice fishing gear up in Wisconsin. I recommend it to anyone who’s headed to a cold environment. Plus it’s cute!” – Britt Jill’s favorite Legendary item. Click on the photo to get yours!
LW: You’re also a big fitness enthusiast. Why do you think staying in good physical shape is important for hunters?
Britt: Many hunters somewhat shrug off working out, especially deer hunters that I’ve talked to. You get put in your place real quick when you shoot a big deer and have to drag it to the truck or side by side. To each their own. But personally, I’d rather be in shape and ready for that drag! I also love heading out west for archery elk hunting and you NEED to be in shape for that. I try to prepare and train for it, but there’s nothing like hiking up and down those mountains. They humble you real fast.
LW: What is your favorite wild game recipe currently?
Britt: I love venison tacos!
LW: If you could only go on one hunt this year, which would you choose?
Britt: Red Stag in New Zealand! My fiancé and I are debating if we’ll do it this year or wait until next year! If that doesn’t happen this year, my one hunt would be a great duck hunt with Kip!
An Emotional Season
LW: What’s your favorite hunting/fishing story? (Either most exciting process, first time with a certain partner, biggest catch, etc.)
Britt: This one is tough! I have to pick 2. One story from waterfowl and one from deer hunting.
My Illinois buck from last year is my favorite whitetail story. I have never hunted so hard for 1 target buck. When I FINALLY got the opportunity my arrow flew right below him. I was devastated. I passed so many smaller bucks and when I finally did get my opportunity I screwed it up. But I didn’t give up and kept hunting hard for him. Well, two weeks later, I got an opportunity at a buck, bigger than the one I was after. I made a great shot on him. He ran 100 yards and went down. I bawled my eyes out, and it’s all on film. My deer season last year was very emotional. I cried when I missed “Blade,” my target buck, and cried when I ended up getting this new buck. And yes, it’s all online to watch.
My other favorite hunt was my first duck hunt with just Kip and I. I got him because I knew that if I had a dog, I didn’t need anyone else. My dog and I could go out and hunt if everyone else was busy. The first time we went out hunting, we didn’t see a thing. But my one goal for the season was for us to get at least one duck on one of our hunts. I decided before he was even trained that whatever bird I shot and he retrieved, with just us two, I was going to get it mounted, no matter what it was. That season, I ended up shooting a beautiful drake wood duck.
I had never shot a wood duck before, so it was just an amazing moment. Again, I cried like a baby and couldn’t even hunt anymore. I was a mess, but in the best way possible. I was so proud of him for his retrieve, even though he had retrieved multiple ducks and geese already this season. This was the one retrieve I had been looking forward to. That moment alone made my entire duck season, even though overall the season wasn’t technically super successful.