My DEERest Love,
I love you like hunting,
And even moreover,
I’m not just saying that
since deer season is over.
You were patient all fall,
while I sat in a tree.
I chased bucks all day,
as you waited for me.
You put up with so much,
like mud in the halls,
deer blood in the garage,
and my annoying game calls.
So in order to show you
my outstanding love
We’ll kiss under the deer mount
that hangs from above.
Then you’ll rest by a fire
and enjoy its warm glow,
And I’ll grill the venison
That I shot with my bow.
We’ll enjoy a nice dinner
and even some wine.
Then we can discuss
My favorite drop-tine.
When the fire winds down,
you can guess what might be next.
We’ll head for some privacy
and have some great….rest.