
5 Tips For Hunting Longer

1. Bring plenty of food and water

I like to eat, so for me this typically includes two turkey sandwiches and a couple of candy bars.  Don’t forget water, even if you aren’t moving much your body still needs to stay hydrated.  Bonus Tip: I like to un-wrap all my goodies before I go out and put them in a zip-lock baggy because the baggy is much quieter than the crinkly wrappers.

Hunter Drinking Gatorade

2. Bring entertainment

This can be anything from your smart phone, tablet, camera, book, etc.  Personally, I like the classic handheld football game or Yahtzee, as the batteries last much longer than the one in my smart phone.

3. Stay warm

Having hunted many years in Northern Wisconsin, this is the toughest battle to face during long sits.  The keys for me lasting on stand during the cold November days have been a great layering system and outerwear and lots of hand warmers.  I’ll let you in on a little secret, during gun season my uncles, cousins, brother, and I all take a sleeping bag or blanket out to the stand with us.  It’s amazing how warm your entire body stays when you slip into a sleeping bag boots and all, however, with the new HuntGuard Jacket and Bibs, it’s practically like wearing a sleeping bag all the time — as it’s tested and certified, by Kansas State University to -94˚ degrees Fahrenheit!

HuntGuard the warmest camo on the market

Layering is KEY for enduring long sits.  HuntGuard  is waterproof and windproof and was tested and certified by Kansas State University to -94˚ degrees Fahrenheit!  Needless to say, this system was built for all-day sits in the cold.

4. Don’t be afraid to move

Switch up your view by switching stands.  It’s a nice change of scenery and it’s sometimes a good strategy especially if the wind switches.  I recommend sitting in travel corridors between food and bedding in the morning move into the thicker stuff mid-day, and feeding areas during the afternoon.

5. Continuously visualize that buck of a lifetime

Imagine that giant buck walking through and putting the perfect shot on him.  This helps you stay positive and excited for the unknown.

Click here to find out the reasons you should be in your stand during the middle of the day!

HuntGuard performance hunting layering camo system


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