
Spicy Turkey Jerky

For those who are successful turkey hunters, are health conscious, or flat out love the taste of wild turkey jerky, this is the perfect blend of spices to accompany the taste of wild turkey.


-3 pounds of boneless and skinless turkey breast

-1/2 cup soy sauce

-1/4 cup sesame oil

-1/4 cup brown sugar

-2 tablespoons chili-garlic paste – optional depending upon your spice tolerance

-2 tablespoons sesame seeds

-2 teaspoons ground pepper

-1 1/2 teaspoons powdered ginger


Freeze meat for 1-2 hours before slicing. This makes it easier to slice into thin strips.

Using a very sharp chef’s knife, trim off and discard any excess fat or tendons. Slice breast meat into 1/8 to 1/4 inch strips.

Combine the soy sauce, sesame oil, brown sugar, chili-garlic paste, sesame seeds, ground pepper, and ginger in a large zippered plastic bag or glass baking dish. Add the sliced meat and coat with the marinade. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours, preferably overnight, turning a few times to distribute the marinade.

When you are ready to dry the jerky, remove the meat from the refrigerator and let it come to room temperature for about an hour.

Smoker Cooking Directions:
1) Heat smoker to 180° Fahrenheit.

2) Place meat onto smoker racks.

3) Add water soaked wood chips (flavor of your choice) to a heat source once the jerky dries out a bit and is tacky to the touch(about halfway through the drying process). This will add a smoky flavor.

4) Dry at 180° for approximately 3 hours.

5) Keep a close eye on your smoker. It can be challenging to maintain a perfect temperature of 180°.

6) Smoker drying times will vary, so make sure to check the dryness of the jerky every hour or so. Do not leave your smoker on unattended, if you are making jerky, plan to be home to watch it.

Oven Directions:
1) Turn heat on oven to its lowest temperature (175°F).

2) Place meat onto oven racks or clean metal screen. Be sure to place a drip pan or tinfoil on the lower rack to catch the dripping marinade.

3) Leave the oven door cracked open to allow steam to escape. Let jerky dry for approximately 6 hours or to desired dryness. Oven drying times will vary, so make sure to check the dryness of the jerky every hour or so. Do not leave your oven on, unattended if you are making jerky, plan to be home to watch it


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