
Game Grill & Soup

There is no comfort food better to warm you up than wild game soup and sandwich! Try this basic recipe with canned partridge,duck, or turkey! You might want to add noodles, alphabets barley or any kind of pasta, with, – or instead of vegetables. I have used broken lasagna,”bow ties” or leftover veggies from the fridge. C’mon – you can make your own specialty! GO YOU!!… Submitted by Carol V.


– Canned, drained, venison, moose, caribou, or elk. [seasoned with pepper and garlic sals]

– Buttered bread for sandwiches

– Sliced cheese

– Tomato

– Onion

– Mayo


Make sandwiches with bread buttered side out. Grill in a frying pan until heated through and toasted golden brown.

I reserve the canned broth and some of the meat, and add a can of mixed vegetables [undrained] for the soup.

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