
Easy Marinated Venison Steak Recipe

I come up with this recipe about 10 years ago. I wanted tender venison with a good flavor and limited ingredients.. This is an easy recipe and a delicious way to cook and marinade your venison…

Submitted by Jessica B.


– 3 pounds of Venison steaks

– 1 bottle of Italian Dressing

– 1 jar of brown gravy


First  marinade your steak in the Italian dressing, in the refrigerator for 6 to 8 hours.. Next transfer the steak and marinade into a baking dish and bake at 350 for one hour.. Then drain the excess Italian dressing and add the brown gravy and return to the oven for a half an hour.. Total baking time is 1.5 hours at 350.. The results will be tender venison steaks with great flavor..

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