
Crock Pot Deer Stew

Crock Pot Deer Stew (Grissom Way) Cook cornbread, butter and eat till you can’t eat no mo!!!This is good for colon cleansing too!!!!… Submitted by Mike G.


Using 5 qt size crock. If using a smaller 4 qt size cut ingredients to size.

– 2 packs deer stew meat (Add 1 pack beef stew seasoning and mix with the meat before putting in pot)

– Cut up Celery

– Cut up potatoes

– Cut up 1 bell pepper

– Cut up 1 big onion or 2 if you really like onions

– Add small pack of baby carrots

– Add 2 cans of stewed tomatoes

-Cut up 1 Squash of choice Yellow or Zucchini or both


  1. Put all into Crock Pot and press down to make it all fit
  2. then add water till all air bubbles stop and water level is at just below top of Crock Pot.
  3. Put lid on and cook on high for about 4-5 hours..if gone all day you can cook on low from 6 am till 6 pm and it will be done too..
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