As depressing as it may be, it’s time to face the facts…deer hunting season is over. Now, many of you will say, deer season never ends and I’ll 100% agree with you, however the days where you can legally shoot a deer do come to an end, thus leaving more free time to enjoy other activities in the great outdoors. Here is a list of the top off-season activities.
1-Shed Hunt
It’s the obvious off-season choice that gets you back outdoors and learning about deer as soon as the season ends. Shed hunting is a great way to get outside with family and friends with the hopes of finding some great trophies. There is even an annual “holiday” to promote this activity! #ShedRally – the world’s largest shed hunt begins Saturday, March 7th.
2-Predator Hunt
Predator hunting is a great way to help your deer and turkey populations out, and is one of the only ways to get your hunting fix between deer and turkey seasons. I love predator hunting because they are usually quick and exciting hunts…well, at least quick.
3-Turkey Hunt
Turkey hunting is well worth the wait! It’s one of the best times of the year to be out in the woods. Temperatures are warming up, the landscape is awakening with greenery, birds are chirping, and turkeys are a gobbling! Nothing beats waking up with Mother Nature as you lean against a tree with a 12 gauge and a slate call in hand.
Time to hit the water and wet a line. Relaxing and rewarding – those are the two words I associate with fishing trips. Not many weekends go without a few casts during the summer months. Besides, what’s better than a fresh shore lunch?
Bonus activity: If you haven’t tried bow fishing, do it! It’s an activity loaded with action and is fun for everyone – men, women, and kids alike.
5-Food Plotting
Get your farmer on! Watching something grow out of the ground that you planted is perhaps one of the most rewarding feelings of the entire deer season, especially when you see a big ol’ buck filling his stomach in your food plot. If you’ve never tried planting your own plots, make this year the year. Trust me, you’ll be addicted. Check back in the coming months for complete guides on how, when, and what to plant for your deer.
6-Join an Archery League
Not only is it a great way to hone your skills, but it’s a great way to interact and converse with other hunters in your area. 3-D leagues are a ton of fun and will get you shooting on a weekly basis.
7-Time on the Range
I find shooting in warmer weather much more enjoyable than shooting with frozen fingers. Whether it be trap shooting or sending some rifle rounds down range, the off-season is the perfect time to be working on your marksmanship. Just save some .22 ammo for me.
8-Find New Hunting Spots
The search never ends. Right now is a great time to scout for next season, especially if there is some snow on the ground. Whether it be now, spring, or summer, work on finding some new hunting properties or at the very least some new stand locations.
9-Save for/Test New Gear
There’s no such thing as too much hunting gear. If a new bow or gun is on the list, now is the time to start saving, researching, and testing. Even if it’s the small things like clothes and grunt calls, the price adds up quickly. There’s nothing worse than going into a season ill-prepared and with faulty equipment.
10-Do Whatever the Heck You Please
Fire up the grill, share laughs around a bonfire, sing Kum-Ba-Ya, heck it’s the off-season, so take some time to relax and spend it with friends and family doing whatever it is you enjoy.
Hopefully this guide will help you through the dreaded off-season. Remember, when one thing ends, another begins. What are some of your favorite things to do outside of deer season?