So ADDICTING! Great snack for the long days on stand.
3 lb roast
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 level teaspoon quick cure. Get this at your local butcher shop or butcher supply company. This is an important ingredient because your jerky will be drying at low temperatures.
1/3 cup Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon concentrated liquid smoke. (Not necessary if using a smoker)
Marinade/Meat Prep
1. Slice 3 pounds of venison round with the grain approximately 1/4″” thick. Note: In order to help you slice the meat thin and uniform, put the meat in the freezer for 90 minutes before hand.
2. Mix the spices together in large bowl or sealable container.
3. Place meat in marinade.
4. Cover and refrigerate for at least 24 hours.
5. Mix the meat and marinade at least two times during its 24 hour soak.
Smoker Cooking Directions
1. Heat smoker to 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Place meat onto smoker racks.
3. Add water soaked wood chips (flavor of your choice) to a heat source once the jerky dries out a bit and is tacky to the touch(about halfway through the drying process). This will add a smoky flavor.
4. Dry at 180 degrees for approximately 3 hours.
5. Keep a close eye on your smoker. It can be challenging to maintain a perfect temperature of 180 degrees.
6. Smoker drying times will vary, so make sure to check the dryness of the jerky every hour or so. Do not leave your smoker on unattended, if you are making jerky, plan to be home to watch it.
Oven Directions
1. Turn heat on oven to its lowest temperature.
2. Place meat onto oven racks or clean metal screen. Be sure to place a drip pan or tinfoil on the lower rack to catch the dripping marinade.
3. Leave the oven door cracked open to allow steam to escape. Let jerky dry for approximately 6 hours or to desired dryness. Oven drying times will vary, so make sure to check the dryness of the jerky every hour or so. Do not leave your oven on, unattended if you are making jerky, plan to be home to watch it.