Category Archives: Hunting

The Tradition of Deer Camp

Vacation days are put in at the beginning of each year with anticipation building for the next cup of Grandpa’s…

3 Ways To Stay Mentally Fresh Hunting The Late Season

If you’re a hardcore bowhunter, you likely start spending time in the stand in September or October, and come December,…

Why Tracking Your Rut Hunts Can Help You For Years to Come

Being a hardcore whitetail hunter can sometimes get a little hectic, especially if you spend a lot of time in…

Hunting The Rut in Ag Country vs. The Big Woods

Hunting the rut can vary drastically depending on where you hunt. Over the past few years, between hunting in North…

3 Tactics for Hunting Pressured Public Land Bucks

Hunting during the late part of October and early November is when things can start to really get exciting in…

When Should you be Hunting Scrapes?

Scrapes are a highly talked about commodity in the world of deer hunting. Though bucks are using scrapes for communication…

Hunting Revolving Food Sources throughout the Season

There are no supermarkets in the wild, no convenience stores or fast food drive-throughs. Out there where the wild things…

The October Lull: Fact or Fiction?

Written By: Jason Brenic | Legendary Whitetails Ambassador As avid deer hunters, we dread these two words. By now, mature…