Tag Archives: Hunting Strategy

Hunting Revolving Food Sources throughout the Season

There are no supermarkets in the wild, no convenience stores or fast food drive-throughs. Out there where the wild things…

The October Lull: Fact or Fiction?

Written By: Jason Brenic | Legendary Whitetails Ambassador As avid deer hunters, we dread these two words. By now, mature…

Don’t Fall into The Trail Camera Trap This Time of Year

One of my favorite things about deer hunting is checking trail cameras. I know some hunters out there that aren’t…

3 Keys To Harvesting An Early October Buck

The early part of October often times gets a bad rap when it comes to whitetail hunting. You’ve heard it…

Data Driven State-by-State Rut Predictions for 2018

A rut activity prediction based on actual hunter data? Say it ain’t so!  With plenty of Rut Predictions out there…

Weather and Whitetail Movement: Hunt When Conditions are Most Advantageous

Deer don’t have smartphones with weather apps to forecast what’s to come, but they sure do sense it, and their…

The Pros and Cons of Hunting Mornings in The Early Season

If you read any whitetail content, watch videos, or ask anyone how they hunt, odds are you’re mostly going to…

Silencing Your Treestand – The DIY Approach

Picture this… Stand on your back, bow in hand, you make the mile-long hike back through a piece of beautiful…