20 Questions w/ Sophie Swaney
Instagram: @sophieswaney
About Sophie:
1. Where are you from? Where do you live now?
I was born and raised on a 300- acre farm right outside Memphis, TN, but I moved to Eastern NC for gunsmithing school almost 3 years ago!
2. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
I would love to live on a huge farm in Middle Tennessee. I love the South, and wouldn’t wanna live anywhere else.
3. What’s your favorite animal to hunt and/or fish to catch?
While deer hunting is a long time favorite, I love the thrill of duck hunting.
4. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
When I was younger I wanted to be a vet, but couldn’t go through with it because of the blood and guts, which is ironic seeing as I field dress all my own kills.
5. What’s an ideal weekend for you?
Wake up early on Saturday to head to the duck blind, kill a limit of Mallards, with a band, go home and cook ’em up, then get ready to deer hunt in the morning and kill a mature old buck, end it with a bonfire and some beer.
6. What’s your favorite sports team?
I’m not a huge sports fan but I’ve always cheered on Ole Miss!
7. What’s your favorite beer?
Michelob Ultra
8. What’s your favorite gun/bow?
I can’t pick a favorite, it really depends on the activity, BUT ill always love my Beretta A400 Xtreme Plus
9. What’s your favorite wild game meal?
Venison Pot roast
10. Favorite music genre? Artist?
Old school country; Hank Williams Jr.
11. Dog or cat person? Breed? Name of pet?
Breed? Name of pet? Dog definitely, and you could say Lab, since I have 4 of them. Bentley, Benellis, Cotton, Daisy
12. What drives you?
Motivation to make my dreams come true and work hard to reach my goals!
13. Who are your heroes?
My parents are definitely my hero’s for everything they have achieved and provided for me.
14. What would you name your boat if you had one?
Lost At Sophie
15. Where’d you go to college?
I went to University of Memphis, then Lenoir Community College
16. What TV character would you be?
Kim Possible
17. What’s your favorite day to hunt?
A cold winter morning after some rain
18. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done and would you do it again?
I can’t disclose this information, LOL
19. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Being interrupted
20. What’s your favorite piece of Legendary Whitetails apparel?
They have the BEST flannels!